Chapter 1,079, Alchemist rank!

Ye Chen nodded slightly and followed the palanquin into the city.

When he arrived in the city, he saw that the city was bustling with people. There were many people walking on the streets, and it was extremely lively and bustling.

This medicine clan’s city was simple and unadorned. It was spotlessly clean and was filled with a rich ancient and unadorned aura.

The medicine clan’s cultivators all lived here.

Ye Chen and the others looked around and saw a huge square. On the square, a stone tablet stood on the square.

At this moment, the palanquin also stopped.

Ye Chen walked step by step to the front of the woman.

“Thank you, Miss!”Ye Chen said slightly.

At this moment, the woman looked at ye Chen and said, “No need to be so polite!”

Ye Chen looked at the beautiful woman in black.

He immediately asked, “I have never met you before. May I ask why you helped me?”

The woman immediately smiled and said, “I like you. Why, Can’t I?”

Ye Chen was a little speechless.