Chapter 1,435, gradual annihilation!

Ye Chen’s figure drew an arc in the air and appeared in front of an evil demon. He raised his hand and struck out with his palm. The palm print emitted a resplendent golden light and a powerful aura.., it erupted from ye Chen’s palm.


The Evil Demon’s head instantly exploded and turned into minced meat. Fresh blood splattered everywhere and dyed the surrounding soil red.


Ye Chen’s body flashed, disappearing once again.


One evil demon after another continuously attacked ye Chen, but ye Chen’s speed was extremely fast, and he was able to dodge every time.

Every Time Ye Chen appeared, he was outside the range of the evil demons’attacks. These evil demons simply could not capture ye Chen.


These evil demons attacked ye Chen crazily while ye Chen kept dodging. He kept bombarding the evil demons with his fists. Every punch he threw was able to turn the evil demons into a pile of meat paste, and then suck out the evil demons’souls in their bodies.