The heavenspan battlefield!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

ye chen took a step forward and the violent force of his fist slammed into the door of the abode.

Bang! Bang!

As ye Chen's fist landed on the cave abode's door, a muffled Thunder-like sound suddenly rang out above the cave abode's door.

however, the muffled sound did not last long before it slowly disappeared.

"As expected of a restriction master. Although my attack was strong, it couldn't even break the skin of this door.“

"Perhaps the person who set up this door used a cultivation technique that is extremely compatible with the laws here!“

Ye chen muttered to himself as he stood at the entrance of the abode and looked at the sturdy restriction.

"Since I can't break this restriction, I'll have to find another way.“

With that, ye chen turned around and left. Once again, he began his journey, running quickly forward.

Ye chen walked for another half a day or so. At the end of his vision, a huge square appeared in ye Chen's sight.