Misty Rain Guild's Recruitment, First World War

Li Yi returned to the vicinity of the Iron Bear Ridge. This was an important first transition sublimation ground. The Iron Bear Ridge's Bear King's respawn rate was around an hour.

There were already quite a number of players here. Their names began with the word Misty!

"Misty Rain Guild?"

Li Yi nodded. It seemed that this city was one of Misty Rain Guild's major residences. It would probably be a little difficult for Scorching Sun Guild and the other guilds to develop in this city.

Right now, Li Yi was heading towards the Iron Bear Ridge. He definitely had to meet up with these fellows. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he stored the magic weapon in his inventory. In any case, he had to store them when he entered the city.

When he arrived at the Iron Bear Ridge in front of him, a player walked out and shouted from afar.