Perfect Harvest, God Severing Token

"This is marvelous!"

Li Yi could not help but exclaim in admiration. This was also discovered by a player from his previous life who had come to this place to collect the weeds. He relied on the bugs to increase his EXP points and it was working so well that his EXP skyrocketed.

Li Yi was not worried that the worms would turn around and attack him at all. The behavior of these creatures was just like that. They hated light and would only want to destroy that before anything else.

Because of this, Li Yi only needed to crazily attack them while they were distracted.

[Talent Trigger: Obtained 200 HP, 2 HP Recovery/second]

[Talent Trigger: Obtained 200 HP, 2 HP Recovery/second]


His experience bar quickly rose, and the system notifications kept ringing in his ears!