Crusade Against the Windfall Wolf King

In the dense and vibrant forest, Li Yi compared the map again. After confirming that it was correct, he raised his head and scanned his surroundings.

"It's a little quiet here…"

Li Yi could not help but say after sweeping his gaze around.

The faint sound of insects reverberated. Wisps of warm sunlight penetrated through the leaves and landed on the ground, leaving a mottled mark.

If there was an old man here, he might have chosen to rest under the tree. However, such a peaceful and warm place made Li Yi feel uneasy.

This was the border.

The Forest of Elk was famous for having many monsters in Divine Revelation. In his previous life, the players had given him the title of one of the holy grounds for level 20 newbies.

"Forget it, let's keep going."

Li Yi shook his head and stopped thinking about it. He retrieved Deaths Descent from his back and continued to move forward.
