Players That Are Scarier Than Bosses

Facing the hundreds of players in front of them, Li Yi was not afraid at all.

Fighting them head-on was nothing to Li Yi. So what if there were hundreds of players. In his previous life, Li Yi had fought many players in Divine Revelation. This was a measly hundred over players, even if there were thousands or tens of thousands of players, they were all the same in his eyes.

During the Battle of the Gods, he had never been afraid of facing tens of thousands of enemies alone. Now that there were only about a hundred people surrounding him, he was not in any way afraid.

On the contrary, facing this many people in one go made his blood pumping, he was excited to get into a good fight! In the face of such a battle, he should face them head-on without fear.

Only having such an unfearful stance would one be worthy of standing with the gods.

Facing a mere hundred people was just practice.