1000 Players from Kesha City Fighting the Boss

In front of Kesha City, a man holding a long sword appeared in front of Li Yi and blocked his way.

"Who are you?"

"None of your business. Go away."

"I'm Cool summer. The war is about to start. Aren't you overestimating yourself? You came to Kesha City."

Only then did Li Yi raise his head to take a look at his surroundings. The person in front of him was fully equipped and held a longsword in his hand. He looked like a commanding general of an army.

"I came here for my own matters. If you want to stop me, I will execute you on the spot."

Li Yi was very tired now and did not have much strength to fight anyone else. He wanted to use pressure to make a path so that he could go in.

He knew very well that if he wanted to enter Kersha City right now, he would have to pass through the thousands of players in front of the city and the tens of thousands of soldiers behind.