Ranking Announcement

Li Yi took a few short breaks after the last player in Kesha City was dealt with.

Now that the battle between players was over, he felt a little more relaxed.

Little did he know that the players in Kesha City had recorded Li Yi's actions.

Now that it was uploaded onto the forums, the entire Divine Revelation forum was in shambles.

Li Yi had officially become a nightmare for the players of Kesha City.

Everyone felt fear when they mentioned Li Yi.

In the Divine Revelation forums, he was even called the Big Boss.

Li Yi had single-handedly defeated thousands of people in Kesha City, forcing the City Lord of Kesha City to retreat. On the battlefield, he alone finished the rest of the players.

Such actions were no different from those monsters. Some people even started to guess Li Yi's identity. For example, he was a hidden professional player in a company or a god with hacking skills.