
This was the last match between Carefree Station and Misty Rain Guild.

No one could have expected this competition to reach such a heated state.

The first four matches had been absolutely thrilling and exciting.

Both sides were trying different ways to one up each other.

None of this could have been predicted by Misty World.

It was impossible to change players for the last match. Both sides could only send out their last player. At this moment, no matter how many tactical arrangements were planned, it would end up being useless.

Positive Barry walked onto the stage with the ax in his hand.

"As expected, so he did change his weapon."

Misty World's words shocked Li Yi.

Could it be that he knew about Positive Barry's hammer?

If that was really the case, Misty World probably knew a thing or two about the Duplicate Runic Ticket.

This match was probably not as simple as it would be now.