The Negotiations Begin

The meeting officially began.

Breezy Lake had already taken his seat.

The meeting room was very large. There was a long rectangular table with two main chairs at each end.

There was a row of chairs in the middle and a total of around ten players. There were even station members all around.

Plus, all sorts of armors on the Misty Rain Guild's side were being shown.

Meanwhile, the Soaring Heaven Guild's side had all kinds of black armor.

They gave off a very serious atmosphere.

Breezy Lake did not wear any armor today. Instead, he changed into a formal suit.

Li Yi, Heavenly Blade, and the others arrived at the venue ahead of time.

Li Yi and Heavenly Blade sat on both sides of Chu Yujing's seat respectively. Next, there were five players from Chu Yujing's team.

On Breezy Lake's side, there was Cool Summer and Captain Cole, who had been guarding Breezy Lake's side the entire time.