Who Says You Can't Use Dirty Tricks in Fights?

To be honest, who would have thought of that it would work?

It was all thanks to Li Yi's small brain.

The Burning Gas skill was also a fire element. As long as it was an element, Snow Chaser could add n to it and overload it.

Li Yi had a flash of inspiration when he thought of it. He did not expect it to really work.

This time, the damage of the black gas could be increased by a lot.

The original 200 damage could now be more than 400.

What a a qualitative increase in damage! Plus, it ha an explosive effect.

That was not a good sign for the Undead Duke.

"Snow Chaser, you're awesome!"

Winnie cheered from the side.

"Carefree Dream is the best."

Winnie looked at Li Yi and added, afraid that Li Yi would be unhappy from not getting some attention.

Positive Barry had already used two Vertical Strikes. However, the effect was negligible. There was not much effect as the boss's body was spiritual.