Our Hotel Has Hidden Cameras

He had to admit that he had underestimated that woman.

Wang Nuo laughed arrogantly. "Hahaha, Qiao Xi, you still refuse to admit that you destroyed 'Time Flows'? You really are a stubborn duck! How could there be someone as stupid as you? You used such a stupid method to frame someone. If you kneel down and beg for forgiveness now, perhaps the Meng family can let you off."

The manager wanted to interrupt. "Um…"

Meng Wan sighed. "Qiao Xi, actually, if you hadn't asked to call the police and left obediently, this matter wouldn't have gotten so big. Now that the matter has blown up, what are you going to do in the future?"

The hotel manager tried to interrupt again. "Miss Meng… Listen to me…"

Meng Wan held Madam Meng's hand. "Forget it, I'll let you off this time. Qiao Xi, quickly leave the hotel. Mom, let's go back and attend the banquet."