Qiao Xi Doesn't Know What's Good For Her

Meng Wan slammed the phone onto the floor and rushed toward Qiao Xi. "I'm not apologizing. I won't apologize even if I die. It's all your fault. It's all because of you. Die!"

"Since you don't want to apologize, then don't apologize." Qiao Xi turned her body and dodged, but the smile on her face remained unchanged. "I don't quite agree with Madam Meng's claim that it's a joke. It's harmless if others were to joke around, but if the Meng family's idea of joking around is sending someone to prison, I can't afford such a joke."

With that, she gently leaned over to Madam Meng's ear. "Actually, Madam Meng, you must be very puzzled about why the manager you arranged suddenly betrayed you and revealed the hidden surveillance footage, right?"

Madam Meng gasped. She did not understand this question.

Qiao Xi said softly, "Although Mingfeng Hotel is under the Meng family's name, don't you know who the real owner is?"

Madam Meng widened her eyes.