The Bastard Is Senior

Qiao Xi was extremely aggrieved in her heart and wanted to make Gu Zheng unhappy, so she shouted, "If it weren't for me marrying you, I might have married Senior instead. He's very good to me."

Gu Zheng smirked.

Qiao Xi instantly choked.

The damned man was actually a little happy?

Why was he not jealous? Or did he not care at all?

Qiao Xi felt that she was like a clown at this moment.

Qiao Xi sighed. "I've known Senior for ten years. Even though I've married you now, my feelings for him can't be replaced by anyone. Don't vainly think of taking his place in my heart."

Gu Zheng was calm and collected. Afraid that Qiao Xi's mouth would go dry from talking, he even handed her a glass of water.


Qiao Xi was stunned. Not only was this man not jealous but he was also interested in this topic.