Why Are You Lying On My Bed?

Qiao Xi told her what had just happened and said angrily, "I just thought that the weather was good and wanted to play in the water. He even gave me a bathing suit. Although the bathing suit is a little revealing, it's still quite pretty!"

"Wait!" Xue Yi was alarmed as she spat out a mouthful of coffee. It splashed onto Qin An's face, and he slammed the table in anger.

Xue Yi hurriedly lowered her voice. "Qiao Xi, say that again? The bathing suit Gu Zheng gave you is very revealing?"

Qiao Xi had not taken off her bathing suit. She walked to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Her cheeks were slightly red.

"Who knew that Gu Zheng would be so lustful? He gave me such revealing clothes."

Xue Yi picked up a tissue and wiped her mouth. "Little Six, have you ever thought that Gu Zheng might not let you swim because he's jealous?"

Qiao Xi was stunned.

Huh? Jealous?