Prove The Rumors Wrong

Zhao Qinghui sneered. "Miss Qiao, there's no need to be humble. You were young back then, but you had already displayed your talent in playing the violin. Three years is enough for you to learn something. Your standard might not be as good as Mengqing's, but even if you can't play well, we won't laugh at you. We'll even help you improve. Or are you looking down on me, Miss Qiao?"

Everyone had different expressions after hearing this.

The greatest taboo in the music industry was disrespecting one's seniors. Zhao Qinghui was a famous musician in the country. He could be seen on all major programs. If others found out that Qiao Xi looked down on this senior, they would definitely curse her to death!

Qiao Xi smiled indifferently and turned to look at Gu Zheng. "Ah Zheng, should I perform?"

Everyone's gaze landed on Gu Zheng.

Yao Mengqing's heart pounded violently as her body trembled.