Adding Fuel To The Fire

Tang Ruge's eyes were red. She bit her lip and looked like she wanted to say something but hesitated.

Seeing this, Madam Tang explained, "Young Master Jin, in the beginning, Mr. Qi Zhong thought that Miss Qiao Xi was talented and wanted to take her in as his apprentice, but Miss Qiao rejected him. Ruge and Miss Qiao are friends, so she tried to persuade her. Unexpectedly…"

Madam Tang looked helpless. "Who knew that Miss Qiao would be angry? She even said that Mr. Qi Zhong was not worthy to be her master. Mr. Qi was an elder, after all, so he lectured her in public. Miss Qiao then complained about him to his master, Senior Cui Xian. Senior Cui Xian didn't know the truth and thought that Mr. Qi Zhong was bullying a junior. In a fit of anger, he expelled Mr. Qi Zhong. Our Ruge just wanted to acknowledge Mr. Qi Zhong as her master, but now… Sigh!"