This Is The First Time I'm Giving An Autograph To A Dog

Qiao Xi abruptly raised her eyes. She was flustered for a moment, but she quickly calmed down.

She did not know how long Lu Yan had been here, nor did she know what he had heard. However, he should have already started to suspect something. He had asked around about Han Ye, but he still could not be sure.

Today, he came to the oil painting exhibition again and happened to hear the conversation between Carter and Qiao Xi. He found out that Qiao Xi was Han Yin, so he had a bad feeling. Perhaps he had to give up on this plan.

If Han Ye was still alive or if Han Ye had anything to do with Qiao Xi, he would pay a painful price. He could not afford such a price.

Lu Yan lowered his voice and smirked. "So, you're Han Yin!"

Qiao Xi raised her eyes and said impatiently, "What does this have to do with you? Am I very familiar with you? If there's nothing else, please stay away from me. I don't like interacting with strangers."