Emotional Blackmail

The middle-aged man in the lead said arrogantly, "The two of you aren't from the music industry, so perhaps you don't know me. Let me introduce myself. I'm a guest of honor for Planet Music Festival, Xu Da."

After Xu Da finished speaking, he looked proud and raised his head arrogantly. Planet Music Festival was the top music competition in the country and was very famous overseas. His identity as a guest of honor for Planet Music Festival was enough to make the two people in front of him admire him.

He had his hands behind his back and a proud expression as he quietly waited for Qiao Xi and Gu Zheng to come forward to greet him. However, after waiting for a long time, the two of them did not move in the slightest.

After a moment of silence, Qiao Xi cleared her throat and slowly said, "Mr. Xu, you came to Li City to give out an award. Who are you giving it to?"