Don't Make A Fool Of Yourself

"Look at how nervous she is. Could it be that she instructed the waiter to poison Mrs. Gu? After all, she has been speaking up for the waiter since she entered. The waiter even ran to her and begged her when he saw her. They must've come up with this plan together."

"I heard that Xia Mengyan was President Gu's fiancee. She must hate Mrs. Gu for snatching her engagement, so she's using this method to punish Mrs. Gu."

"Xia Mengyan didn't seem to care about the engagement anymore, but she secretly poisoned Mrs. Gu. Even if Mrs. Gu stole her engagement, she shouldn't try to poison her!"

Hearing everyone's discussion, Xia Mengyan's face was as pale as paper. She bit her lip and did not say anything. She knew very well that this waiter was Sun Chuan's subordinate, but she did not know if anyone had seen them meet. It would be bad if they were discovered.