Xia Mengyan's Plan Failed

"The porcelain sculpture was really thrown away? Chairman Xia ordered his men to throw away the porcelain sculpture that the Luo family gave him. Is he crazy? It's fine if he doesn't want to collaborate with them, but he even threw away the gift they gave him. Isn't this a slap to the Luo family's face?"

"No wonder Miss Qiao said that she hoped Chairman Xia wouldn't regret it. He threw away the real porcelain sculpture but treated a fake as a treasure. Chairman Xia must be regretting it!"

"Of course, he regrets it! Ignoring how precious the porcelain sculpture is, now that the Xia family has completely angered the Luo family, it definitely won't end well for them."

Hearing everyone's discussion, Xia Cheng's breathing quickened as he stammered, "I… ordered to have it thrown away, but… why didn't you say so earlier? If you had told me that this was the Luo family's porcelain sculpture, I wouldn't have… thrown it away."