Xi Xi Is Laughing At You For Being Stupid

"Xi Xi, we'll remember your sacrifice for the Xia family. It's your honor to sacrifice yourself for the family. Everyone will thank you," Xia Mengyan advised hypocritically.

Earlier, Xia Lan was still nervous because of the crimes Qiao Xi listed, but now that she heard Ai Sumei's words, she felt that everything was justified. Qiao Xi was her daughter, and the Xia family's blood flowed in her body. She should contribute to the Xia family.

At this moment, the live stream had already exploded. Countless netizens squeezed in and watched helplessly as the Xia family made shocking comments.

[Oh my God! How can there be such shameless people in the world? They're making Qiao Xi sacrifice herself, but what have they done for Qiao Xi? Xia Lan has never raised Qiao Xi at all. What right does she have to ask Qiao Xi to sacrifice herself?]