This Is Called Reaping What You Sow

Xia Cheng's chest was filled with the smell of blood. "Xi Xi! Xi Xi!"

The Xia family's living room was silent for a few seconds before it instantly exploded. Only then did Ai Sumei understand what had happened. Even though the Xia family had obtained two billion yuan, it was still impossible for them to regain their power. All of them would be accused of crimes.

Sumei's face was pale. She had spent a lot of effort seducing Xia Cheng and becoming a rich madam. She thought that she would live so carefreely forever, but she did not expect to face jail in her later years.

No! No!

She suddenly realized her outcome and instantly aged a little. She could not help but cry bitterly. Then, she thought of something and hurriedly shouted at Xia Mengyan, "Mengyan, you schemed against her. It's all your fault. Quickly apologize to Qiao Xi and ask for her forgiveness."