Being Beautiful Is Also A Crime

At this moment, Kang Ru suddenly looked up, while Kang Jichuan was flustered. Kang Qingzhi, who was on the stage, felt her heart almost jump out of her throat.

Her eyes were filled with panic. Did Qiao Xi really have evidence?

At this moment, Du Ming's legs went weak, and he almost fell to the floor. However, he still supported himself on the chair.

Impossible! She did not have evidence! It was all fake. Bright Moon was deliberately lying to him. She wanted to use this method to break his psychological defense and make him take the initiative to tell the truth. He could not fall for Bright Moon's trap!

Du Ming forced himself to calm down, and his voice trembled slightly. "Miss Bright Moon, don't waste our time anymore. You clearly seduced me. What evidence do you have?"