He's Not The Only One Who Knows How To Act

He Weinian did not expect that after he had carefully schemed for so long, Gu Zheng would easily escape. The necklace that was placed in Longwan Residential was clearly the real one, so why did the police appraise it as a fake?

He really did not understand and did not know what method Gu Zheng had used. He only knew that he had lost this time!

"Ah Zheng, so you haven't appeared for so many days because you were busy helping the police with the case. We misunderstood you. I'm really sorry."

Gu Zheng's eyes were calm, but there was a trace of killing intent around him. His thin lips parted slightly. "Chairman He, I didn't come here today to listen to your nonsense."

The moment that was said, everyone gasped. Why was President Gu so rude to Chairman He?!

He Weinian's attitude was still gentle. "Ah Zheng, I know you resent me, but I'm your master, after all. I've already apologized to you. Don't cause trouble in front of your reporters. We—"