【74】Add two more chapters

The incident with the two banners wasn't mentioned by Instructor Ren in class or to her afterwards.

Xie Wanying thought it was a rumor and explained, "That's not true—"

"It doesn't matter whether it's true or not. Anyway, with the capability of our junior sister, we senior sisters can also be proud. Those of us who are senior sisters wish nothing more than to see those who look down on girls get their faces flattened by those who come after us."

Senior Sister Two's breezy words made Xie Wanying unable to contain her laughter. After all, one of her purposes in studying medicine was precisely to challenge this mindset.

"We see your potential and must help you fully," He Xiangyu finished, exchanging a glance with Lau Jingyun, before bringing out the freshman gift they had prepared for their junior sister.

In addition to McDonald's, the table soon saw a pile of notebooks stacked up into two small hills.

"These are the notes from our early studies, now all yours."