Anatomy Anatomy 1


That's why the school was so keen for Instructor Ren to be a counselor. Just look, ever since he became their counselor and personally took on the dissection classes, demanding fresh cadavers for dissection, their class has ranked first.

Isn't the clinical department at the hospital always complaining that the eight-year program students lack practical skills? Besides the hospital's clinical department, the dissection room is the only other place where students can practice with a scalpel. Now, this place is almost exclusively occupied by their class during the extra hours, quiet and undisturbed.

The two senior sisters have gone to the hospital.

Xie Wanying stayed alone in the dormitory for a while, browsing some latest medical information from abroad online to see if it differed from her memory.

In addition, once online, her QQ account would automatically sign in and start "collecting stars and moons."