Anatomy Anatomy 3

This kind of meticulousness should be considered an advantage and strength of female medical students.

As this view flashed through his mind, Ren Chongda was surprised to find that for the first time he recognized that female surgeons might have their own unique surgical strengths, possibly incomparable by their male counterparts.

After all, this type of delicate surgical technique "requires a gentle woman's heart" as an essential element.

Moreover, do not think that a "gentle" knife technique equals a lack of strength, which is a ridiculously false assumption. On the contrary, in order to make the incision "gently," a pen-holding grip is utilized, and it is difficult to exert force properly and control the knife. Holding the knife like a pen, relying solely on a few fingers and the alignment of the wrist and arm without any movement, makes it easy to quickly become tired resulting in unstable subsequent knife handling.