【121】Hurry, emergency rescue 2

Speaking of which, Doctor Jiang caught sight of Dr. Lin's back and called out, "Old Lin, I have a question for you."

Dr. Lin, who was called, turned back around.

Dr. Lin was somewhat skinny, with a refined appearance, and about the same age as Doctor Jiang. Both were attendings, but Dr. Lin wore a more serious expression on his face, giving the impression of someone not too easy to talk to. Therefore, Doctor Jiang felt a little uneasy when he greeted him.

After all, General Surgery Department One specialized in gastrointestinal diseases, while Cardiology dealt with heart conditions. They didn't interact much on a daily basis and weren't very familiar with each other.

"What's the matter?" Dr. Lin, whose eyes were intently watching the blood pressure being taken by a nurse for a patient, obviously wasn't too pleased to be interrupted with a question at that moment.