Counselor came 2

The visit from the student advisor for an inspection, without prior notification, was enough to scare the soul out of any student.

Waving at the two students from his class, Ren Chongda said bluntly, "I was passing by and thought I'd try my luck to see if any of you had come to the emergency department to learn something. I always have to check if any of you 'dumb birds' have learned to walk in the emergency room."

With humor and wit in his words, those who didn't understand might think Teacher Ren was joking. In reality, his words carried deeper meaning.

In the emergency department, where it's often necessary to run, learning not to is a crucial lesson. Running is akin to panicking, indicating a lack of confidence in one's ability to handle emergencies, and an inability to predict and control the rapid development of a patient's condition.

Hearing the student advisor's words, Yue Wentong and Xie Wanying felt a sudden increase in pressure.