【133】Fuming with rage2

"Doctor Lin?" Everyone was baffled.

Zhang Xiaohui's mind was foggy, and she asked, "Why should I answer his call—"

"You were handing over the shift to him. He had questions for you, and you didn't answer his calls? Do you know that the patient you took over today—you told him the patient was all right and even advised him to discontinue monitoring. Later, the patient almost died during a sudden emergency. When we checked the medical records you wrote, it was terrible. For a patient suspected of having a heart attack, you set up monitoring, but there were no additional monitoring records, no follow-up ECGs. You didn't inform Doctor Lin that the patient has a seven-year-old daughter, who is now alone with him. A seven-year-old child, who already lost her mother, almost lost her father too!"

These words exploded like a bomb, silencing the entire living room instantly.

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhang Xiaohui's legs began to tremble.