【164】The robot's nickname isn't for nothing

At first, Doctor Kim was loudly insisting for someone to quickly perform a puncture to relieve the patient's gas, but when it actually came to making the decision to let a trainee do it, she couldn't.

It was too terrifying.

Doctors Yang and Lin were thinking rapidly: Xin Heng, this "Robot," actually made such a swift decision. Didn't he think about the fact that if anything went wrong, this student's career could be ruined?

Puncture was not like performing cardiac compressions; puncture was an invasive procedure, and one slight misstep— if the needle went to the wrong spot in the body— it would be over.

Doctor Kim suddenly turned around, quickly stood in front of Doctors Yang and Lin, and asked, "Have you ever seen her perform a puncture in a clinical setting?"

Doctors Yang and Lin shook their heads. If they had seen Xie Wanying do it before, they wouldn't be as worried as Doctor Kim, nearly out of their minds with concern.