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"How is this possible? Isn't the liver fixed in place?" This assertion ignited a firestorm, and the surgeon's chat group went into an uproar.

The liver, a soft and fragile organ, would not last long if it moved about within the abdominal cavity, being jostled and bumped with each human movement, without the surrounding tissue holding it in place.

To prevent the liver from moving haphazardly, the body's structure has devised several methods. Firstly, a layer of peritoneum envelops key abdominal organs, including the liver. However, not all of the liver's surface is covered by peritoneum; areas like the posterior surface beside the diaphragm, the gallbladder fossa, the inferior vena cava groove, and the porta hepatis lack peritoneal coverage. The rest is covered with peritoneum and forms various folds with neighboring organs, known as ligaments.