Chapter Five

It was a Wednesday morning and as usual, everyone has left for their supposed activities. Kendra was allowed to attend lessons. She was alone in the house, preparing to go out. She came across Zara's diary and decided to ignore it. "It is private". Before Kendra knew what was happening, She was already reading it.

"Ah! Be a better person my ass! How many times did I have to call her before She finally dragged herself out of bed? Well, let's see how it goes. It is the beginning of the new year after all. She still has time". Kendra said and closed the dairy. She took her time to pick her outfit. It was just her in the house and She wanted to look better and different; since some of her lesson mates complained about her constant wearing of oversized skirts, which doesn't match her figure.

"Oversized skirt makes your hip look shapeless like that of an aged woman". One of them had said to her.

"Wow! Kentucky! You look super attractive. What is the reason behind this new outfit?" Travis asked her, the minute She walked into the compound.

"Wow!" The rest of them shouted when they saw her.

"You look irresistible in tight fitted jeans. You should wear them more often".

Kendra tried not to blush. She wasn't used to people praising and admiring her figure. She hides it from them by wearing oversized clothes. Her day went well. It wasn't only because of her new style, but also because the lesson was fun. Their English teacher taught them very well and cracked jokes while teaching them. Kendra wished it won't end.

The JAMB registration was just few days left. Kendra waited in anticipation for it. She had already made up her mind on the course to offer, which is the only course that matters to her. Others are just to ensure that she fills something in the form. She memorized them again.

"First choice; Food science and technology, university of Nsukka Nigeria. Second choice; Nutritionist, Institute of management and technology. While third choice will be uhm...... maybe food and nutrition education or.....later I will think of what to write". She said and went back to her studies. Kendra felt that she was nothing without her book. She knew that since She wasn't naturally brainy, She must study like her life depends on it inorder to pass her exam.

Kendra entered the room and saw Zara seriously giving a presentation , as if there was an audience listening to her. She couldn't stop herself from clapping after Zara was done. Zara was surprised she clapped. They haven't been saying much to each other these days because of the fight they had. Though it was last year the incident happened, none of them could forget it.

"Is the presentation ok?" She asked, smiling.

"It is not ok. It is perfect." Kendra returned her smile.

"So tell me, what are you preparing for?" She was curious to know what got Zara very busy with studies.

"I have a presentation to make on Influence of the Society's Conception of Beauty, on young Adults. I want my presentation to be the best so that I can come first and prove your mistress wrong." Zara said firmly.

"My mistress? Is She not your mistress as well?"

"No She is not. She thinks I'm a dullard but I will prove it to her that I'm not." She said, fully assured.

"Ok. I believe you. By the way, what do you want to be?" Kendra finally remembered to ask her the question.

"A lawyer. I will be the best among my colleagues". She replied with pride.

"Oh! Ok." Kendra said and ended the discussion.

She went to see her exam center and become familiar with the place, the day before her exam. Her Master gave her directions since She didn't know the place. On the day of the exam, She went to the place by bus and when She got there, She scanned the place carefully for Rita. Rita was her one of her lesson mates and they were posted in the same exam center. She became disappointed when She couldn't find her. She needed someone to atleast share her anxiety with. She was already becoming scared of the exam. After the exam, She left the hall and was about to go home after the exam before She saw Rita. They spent alot of time chatting and talking about how the questions were. Kendra wished they could continue but Rita couldn't. She needed to go home.

"Guess I'm going back to my life. Just stressful house chores, eat, sleep, crack jokes with Zara if She is interested and whatelse..... nothing. It is just the same thing everyday." She thought on her way home.

"Aunty Kendra how was your exam?" Pearl asked when She returned.

"My dear it was know what? I give God the glory." Kendra changed her reply immediately, when She remembered how difficult most of the questions were.

"I don't understand your answer. What has God got to do with your exam?" Zara asked.

It was the sixth month of the year and third month after Kendra's exam. She knew the results won't be released soon but She couldn't wait to finish all her exams and be offered admission. She really wanted to start living alone so that She can live the way She wanted. She was tired of working in her master's store and house all day, without earning being paid.

"Kendra?" Mike called her.

She immediately answered him. She knew He hated delay.

"Prepare. Tomorrow you will go back to your parents." He said to her in a flat tone. It almost gave her a heart attack. She wanted to question him. Not just question him. She wanted to tell him he wasn't serious and at the same time yell at him. She wanted to demand an explanation to what He just said. Upon everything She felt, She quietly entered the room. There was no need to arrange her clothes; they were always neatly folded in her bag. She put her books and shoes in a bag and then went to bed. She couldn't stop herself from crying and blaming people for her present situation. She knew it was over. She won't go further in her education anymore. She will never know what it feels like to receive lectures, live alone outside the campus or inside the campus with roommates. She found herself blaming and hating her parents for being poor, her master and mistress for having no conscience and herself for not being able to solve her problem.

"He knew this day will come and he didn't inform me early enough. I would have started preparing for my future." She buried her face in the bed and covered herself with bedsheet. She didn't want anyone to see her.

She knew the absence of intimacy between the maid and her mistress or master was a common or normal thing, but it doesn't mean they should be heartless and inconsiderate.

Zara was shocked when She heard it. "Did you do anything wrong?" She asked.

"No. I think it is because he can't continue to sponsor my education."

She decided not to do any house chores when She woke up; she was too angry to do anything.

Minutes later, Mike walked into their room and was surprise to find her still sleeping.


"Yes sir!" She jumped out of bed.

"Are you ok? Didn't I tell you you will travel today?"

"You did"

"If I finish dressing and you are not ready, I will leave you and attend to my important business and trust me, you will still go back to your parents." He warned and left.

Kendra fought the urge to cry. She wondered if it has gotten to the extent of threatening her and forcing her to go. She wondered what She did wrong.

She was about to leave the room before Pearl woke up.

"I'm traveling to Anambra." She said to Pearl.

"Traveling? When will you come back?"

"I don't know yet. But I will surely come back." She tried to fake a smile

"Kendra?" She was about to open the door that leads to outside before her mistress called her.

"Why didn't you clean the house or even wake Zara to do it? Go and wake her up. Two of you should clean my house and prepare my children for school." She ordered. Kendra felt like punching her mistress.

"Is she joking with me?" She thought while going to the room to wake her up.

"No. Zara should do it. We are already late and I must return today." Mike said while going out to start the car. Kendra was happy her master came to her rescue. She said her goodbyes to Pearl, since She was the only one awake. She knew Zara was in trouble for waking up late. Not long after her master drove out of the gate, She heard her mistress yelling at Zara and scolding her. She knew her mistress was upset with her for not doing anything before leaving. Now all her anger will be on Zara.

"Poor Zara." She whispered.

Kendra imagined what her future will be like without completing her education.

"Which business will I start?"

Kendra who has always strived to get her certificate, serve her country and get a good job was now in total dismay. She wanted ask her Master if She did anything wrong to offend him but She couldn't find the courage. Throughout their journey, she said nothing. Half way through it She needed to urinate but still couldn't talk. She was too upset and She wasn't bold enough to speak to him. Luckily for her, he stopped to urinate and she decided to use the opportunity. He also bought some food stuff for her parents and cooked food for her since she didn't eat before leaving. They finally got to their destination and Kendra got down and took her bags out of the car. She forced a smile on her face when She saw her parents and siblings. She was surprise to see her parents not surprise at her sudden return.

"Could it be they planned it? They better have an answer to my questions." She went to the only room that was in the house and lay on the bed to rest.

Mike spent sometime with her parents before leaving. When She woke up, her master was already gone. Later in the evening She took a bath, ate and after that She asked her mum the question.

"Why didn't you ask him? Is he not your Master?" Her mum asked.

"I asked him but he didn't reply." She lied and hoped She won't notice.

"Hmmm. Your Master can't continue to pay your fees. But he sent some money and told us to decide what we want you to do; continue your education or learn a business."

The thing Kendra dreaded the most; stopping school to go and learn a business because of lack of funds.

"I will continue my education." She said firmly and stood up to go but her mum stopped her.

"The Money he sent won't be enough to further your education. You should use it to start a business that will fetch you more money." Edna advised. She didn't say a word. After she was done, she left angrily, almost in tears.

She went to a distance place inorder not to be caught crying. When She came back, her mum was already getting worried about her whereabout because it was already getting dark

"The shoes are beautiful." Her mum said, referring to the shoes Kendra's mistress gave her, few days before her departure. She just stood there watching her mum, as She brought out the clothes and shoes and raised them up in admiration.

"Have you tested them?"

"Yes." She simply replied and went to the sitting room to make herself a sleeping space. Edna knew her daughter was still feeling sad but She decided to give her sometime.

"I will sell the clothes. I know the money won't be enough but it can help me, atleast.