I dream, a beautiful dream. I dreamt of the life I once had, you see my parents were not always like this, there was a lot of time where I had no worry, where I was the only problem I had was passing my exam in flying colour and having a cute boyfriend. I still remember those days like yesterday. How I wish I never grew up, but then I wouldn't be independent and I would be blind to my father's attitude.

'Mirabelle Johnson right, I thought as much, you really look good, wow, you've really changed, I mean you were beautiful then but you are now so much more,....' I lost her at that point, she didn't even notice that I've stopped listening because she just kept on rambling on everything, I have somewhere to be and stop her somehow, I check my wristwatch, OK there's still time.

"right, she look at me expecting an answer,

" sure, yea sure, see Missy, you are interesting and all and I dream, a beautiful dream. I dreamt of the life I once had, you see my parents were not always like this, there was a lot of time where I had no worry, where I was the only problem I had was passing my exam in flying colour and having a cute boyfriend. I still remember those days like yesterday. How I wish I never grew up, but then I wouldn't be independent and I would be blind to my father's attitude.

'Mirabelle Johnson right, I thought as much, you really look good, wow, you've really changed, I mean you were beautiful then but you are now so much more,....' I lost her at that point, she didn't even notice that I've stopped listening because she just kept on rambling on everything, I have somewhere to be and stop her somehow, I check my wristwatch, OK there's still time.

"right, she look at me expecting an answer,

" sure, yea sure, see Missy, you are interesting and all and umm thanks for the compliment, I really appreciate but I don't know you,...

She cut me off, 'of course you don't remember, we were classmates in jss1, we didn't really talk but you know I've always liked you and I talking too much again right, I nod my head at her, she's really wasting my time, to be sincere.

' My name is Ife, and I can see that you are in a hurry, so give me your number, so I can call you,' she hands me her phone and before I could put my number in she said,' don't put in a wrong number, you look like you want to avoid me but that's not going to happen now.

I stand still not able to believe that just happened, she was right though I was about to put my old number in, that way I won't have to meet her again but I couldn't after that statement, she's something I said to myself.

I've never met someone that straight forward before.

I decided to take the bus other than walking, since I was almost late. I like getting to class early but know she's wasted all that time.

I walk into the class through the back door so as not to get in trouble, though there are pretty chill but there is a mark for attendance I don't want it deducted because of some talkative girl.

'welcome miss Johnson, thanks for gracing us with your presence, would you like to explain the topic I gave you an assignment on'

Damn man, I thought. Thank God I have read it so I explained it explicitly and the lecturer had no other option but to let it slide not after telling me that he did not accept tardiness. I did not expect him to care but he did because some people come late to class.


'you're late'

'sorry ma, won't happen again I got distracted doing my assignment, I can work extra time to meet up', I try to explain myself to her but she understood all along she just asked me to go back to work.

I am grateful that my boss is a very nice woman and she let me work here and pays me more than I would have been somewhere else. Even after what young girls my age has done for her, she only employs girls she can trace now but not knowing where I came from she still employed me and for this am grateful so I always try to work hard and smile at the customers.

I worked silently for about an hour, it was getting to the rush hours where people come to relax after work most of it usually involves alcoholic drink but my boss never lets them take more a few bottles saying that this is not a bar and because she has female staffs and daughter. I love my humble job, since my mother begged my father and he started paying for my tuition fee, the money is enough to survive and I one free food here so it's makes it a lot better.

I might be okay with the idea but some of my old friends were not okay with it. I remember one of them introduced me to a job, she told me that all I had to do was massage one of those rich men and women who wanted home service. She told me for one person I would be paid five thousand Naira, I was happy to that I will earn what is almost half of salary in a day, I jumped at the idea and I asked her to book me a customer.

I got there and the customer was an old fat man. I was disgusted at first but I reminded myself about the money and I started to massage the almost naked man and it was going well for a while until he asked me to undress. I pretended not to hear him and then he said it louder, I pretended not to hear him again, I have enough practice pretending, I always smiled a lot around my mum just to make her happy, so I just applied the same technique.

'I know you can hear me, so girl I'll pay you double just let me see me some skin' , as those words came out of his mouth bile rose in my belly making it turn suddenly pushing the little breakfast of bread and egg of my mouth.

I excused myself without saying a word. Tears threaten to come out of my ears but I didn't let it. I packed my bag and let the hotel and I never spoke to that friend again promising myself to be very careful of fancy job offers even from friends.

I was brought out of my musings by the sudden shout of anger by my colleague,

'Get out here, you scoundrel, madam please pardon me, she faces our madam and started shouting at Abel. I always knew was a good friend but today she proved it beyond my expectations, nobody has ever really stood up for me like this without wanting something back. I like it but she's beginning to scare the customers.

Wow I never imagined that I'll use scary to describe Temi, miracles do happen.

'Temi, Temi, please stop, the customers OK I got this I'll walk Abel out.

' please madam can I have a minute? '

'of course, Funke come here and take Bella' s place, Madam shouted.

'thanks ma, I walked out of the shop without looking back.

' how dare you come here, what do you want, do you want to get me sacked, I clench my fist and bit my lips holding back my words.

Abel stretched his hands towards me to calm me down, 'bel, am not here to get sacked, I know how important this job is to you, okay' he said moving forward.

I take a step back and put my hands in my pocket, 'leave me alone, go, disappear, whatever, my voice hoarse as I wrap my hands around myself.

' OK, I'm traveling anyway, I'll leave you but do you really think I'll betray you', he muttered and walked away without looking back.

I fall to the ground as tears fall uncontrollably from my ears,

Could he really betray me I think not knowing what to believe anymore. Mm thanks for the compliment, I really appreciate but I don't know you,...

She cut me off, 'of course you don't remember, we were classmates in jss1, we didn't really talk but you know I've always liked you and I talking too much again right, I nod my head at her, she's really wasting my time, to be sincere.

' My name is Ife, and I can see that you are in a hurry, so give me your number, so I can call you,' she hands me her phone and before I could put my number in she said,' don't put in a wrong number, you look like you want to avoid me but that's not going to happen now.

I stand still not able to believe that just happened, she was right though I was about to put my old number in, that way I won't have to meet her again but I couldn't after that statement, she's something I said to myself.

I've never met someone that straight forward before.

I decided to take the bus other than walking, since I was almost late. I like getting to class early but know she's wasted all that time.

I walk into the class through the back door so as not to get in trouble, though there are pretty chill but there is a mark for attendance I don't want it deducted because of some talkative girl.

'welcome miss Johnson, thanks for gracing us with your presence, would you like to explain the topic I gave you an assignment on'

Damn man, I thought. Thank God I have read it so I explained it explicitly and the lecturer had no other option but to let it slide not after telling me that he did not accept tardiness. I did not expect him to care but he did because some people come late to class.


'you're late'

'sorry ma, won't happen again I got distracted doing my assignment, I can work extra time to meet up', I try to explain myself to her but she understood all along she just asked me to go back to work.

I am grateful that my boss is a very nice woman and she let me work here and pays me more than I would have been somewhere else. Even after what young girls my age has done for her, she only employs girls she can trace now but not knowing where I came from she still employed me and for this am grateful so I always try to work hard and smile at the customers.

I worked silently for about an hour, it was getting to the rush hours where people come to relax after work most of it usually involves alcoholic drink but my boss never lets them take more a few bottles saying that this is not a bar and because she has female staffs and daughter. I love my humble job, since my mother begged my father and he started paying for my tuition fee, the money is enough to survive and I one free food here so it's makes it a lot better.

I might be okay with the idea but some of my old friends were not okay with it. I remember one of them introduced me to a job, she told me that all I had to do was massage one of those rich men and women who wanted home service. She told me for one person I would be paid five thousand Naira, I was happy to that I will earn what is almost half of salary in a day, I jumped at the idea and I asked her to book me a customer.

I got there and the customer was an old fat man. I was disgusted at first but I reminded myself about the money and I started to massage the almost naked man and it was going well for a while until he asked me to undress. I pretended not to hear him and then he said it louder, I pretended not to hear him again, I have enough practice pretending, I always smiled a lot around my mum just to make her happy, so I just applied the same technique.

'I know you can hear me, so girl I'll pay you double just let me see me some skin' , as those words came out of his mouth bile rose in my belly making it turn suddenly pushing the little breakfast of bread and egg of my mouth.

I excused myself without saying a word. Tears threaten to come out of my ears but I didn't let it. I packed my bag and let the hotel and I never spoke to that friend again promising myself to be very careful of fancy job offers even from friends.

I was brought out of my musings by the sudden shout of anger by my colleague,

'Get out here, you scoundrel, madam please pardon me, she faces our madam and started shouting at Abel. I always knew was a good friend but today she proved it beyond my expectations, nobody has ever really stood up for me like this without wanting something back. I like it but but she's beginning to to scare the customers.

Wow I never imagined that I'll use scary to describe Temi, miracles do happen.

'Temi, Temi, please stop, the customers OK I got this I'll walk Abel out.

' please madam can I have a minute? '

'of course, Funke come here and take Bella' s place, Madam shouted.

'thanks ma, I walked out of the shop without looking back.

' how dare you come here, what do you want, do you want to get me sacked, I clench my fist and bit my lips holding back my words.

Abel stretched his hands towards me to calm me down, 'bel, am not here to get sacked, I know how important this job is to you, okay' he said moving forward.

I take a step back and put my hands in my pocket, 'leave me alone, go, disappear, whatever, my voice hoarse as I wrap my hands around myself.

' OK, I'm traveling anyway, I'll leave you but do you really think I'll betray you', he muttered and walked away without looking back.

I fall to the ground as tears fall uncontrollably from my ears,

Could he really betray me I think not knowing what to believe anymore.