"I can't believe you've been lied to all your life, if it was me, I won't wait at all", she paused to drink water, I’ll demand to know the truth, you should ask you mom to tell you the truth". Ife said, to her and to majority of the people I've told which is quite slim if you check the number of friends I have, They all think I should match up to my mom's place and demand the truth from her.

After I left Mr Johnson's place- that's what I call him now- I went to my mother's and let her know that I'm aware of the truth but I'll not force her to tell me.

As most of you would expect, she denied it and said Mr Johnson was jus just messing with my mind or that old age has finally gotten to him.

I went back home and decided to read. I told Ife who told every of my other friend for me because she believes that I need moral support.

To be sincere, Ife has been a wonderful friend to me. She came over to my place this morning to keep my company even if she lied and told me it was because she wanted to see how Abel looks like.

I smile formed on my face has I remembered the look on his face after she gave him a dirty slap.

I couldn't stop laughing, she had a screaming match again defending my honour and friendship.

I'm glad I met her.

I try to focus on the book in front of me, its a borrowed course but the issue is not the complexity, its the fact that I keep on thinking about my paternity. The DNA says that Mr Johnson is not my father but he is a relative and I never grew up to an uncle. As far I know, he was an only child and his father died at when I was young. I remember my grandpa being a very nice man, he always read me stories and asked about my school. Abel also said something close to it, when we got back yesterday, he told me that he asked my father but he didn't say anything but he'll help me find out.

I need to know and it seems that all those who knows about it does not want to talk.

It's so exasperating, I muttered to myself.

School is also so stressful, I need to study hard to make straight 'A's' and I have too because I'm on scholarship.

I've been lied to all my life and no one is ready to tell me the truth, not my mother. The man I know as my father and Abel has been lying to me what will stop him now.

I just need someone to not lie to me.

No wonder my father never stayed at home, I can't imagine marrying a woman whose pregnancy is not yours and you don't love add that to the mix of living together forever.

My loud ring if my phone jolted me out of my thoughts.

"Ade, sorry, how are you doing?".

Sorry, what am I apologizing for I did nothing wrong.

"I'm very fine, thank you and Ife is doing Ok, how is Jonathan?.

"He his ok".

"I want to ask you for something, not immediate, you can take your time".

"What is it?"

"I would like you to go out with me anytime you're free?".

I looked at the time,

"How about this evening?",

I need to get out of the house because I can't be a wife to Abel and I don't owe him faithfulness.

He was so happy and he told me I should met him at the diner but I said the bar with life and he decided to bring Jonathan.

Ife rushed inside,

"Shut the fuck off, I can't believe you're growing up so soon, being rebellious and going on a date with a guy you barely know"

"Uh, uh, with the mind of some action obviously, I need me some romance, sis"

"So are you going to sleep with him?" She asked as I was getting dressed.

I choked on my saliva because all my bravado is just fake advertisement.

I've never been on a date.

We got dolled on by ourselves because we don't have enough to call a professional, sprayed cheap perfume and drank out of Abel alcohol, got into our Uber and left.

"I would never get used to a club, you know I promised myself will never get drunk again buy I'm not going to follow through".

"Obviously not, I did it for a very long time, won't drink or club again and here I am ready to get drunk, seriously, its a circle everybody is guilty of".

This time, the boys were there before us and it wasn't hard to locate them.

We drank, talked and enjoyed each other company. I even told them I as married and that changed Ade stance but said we can still be friends.

I was on my way to the bathroom with Ife when I saw something I never thought I'll ever see.

Without stopping I walked toward the direction of the action,

"Wait, Wait, the ladies the other way"

"How freaking dare you, aren't you a married man, I yelled, if you don't want to be faithful why get married uh",

"Oh, you bastard, shoving you tongue down Barbie here, totally original"

"Why are you shouting at me as if you are not on a date with another man, how am I supposed to cope, we've been married for two months and you don't still like me, I'm A man with needs ok"

People were beginning to gather around us but I didn't mind, I saw Jonathan and Ade trying to get to us.

"Married you say, you call what we have a marriage, you and my father forced me to marry you for what ever business deal it is, if you love me so much why can't you woo me like a normal man".

"Woo you, I never hide how I felt about you and you know it, I always tell you but you never took me serious".

"How can I do, when you didn't try to make me fall in love with you, you just think asking me to marry you would work and when it didn't, being married will make me like you any more. It doesn't work that way idiot, I need to be showed affection, care, I need time and a lot more other things that you are giving. How can you love me then stay her shoving your tongue down another woman mouth and say you love me".

I dropped the wine bottle I didn't realise I was carrying on the table,

"Ife let's go".