Enchanting Witch

"What do you mean it's gone?" I ask, startled.

I've invested so much time to get this special piece the way I like it and now it's gone? Just gone? That is not acceptable!

The assistant frowns and looks at the box again. "It was still there for two hours. I saw it myself," she says in amazement. "Let me check with the manager, maybe he knows more". She leaves her office while I wait. After a long fifteen minutes, she returns.

"Can you come with me for a moment, Loraine?"

We are on our way to the manager's office. There sits a very distinguished gentleman, he looks at me annoyed. "Loraine, I'm so sorry this happened. The ring has gone missing in some unknown way, but don't worry, we're investigating. This is the first time this happened."

I sigh in despair, my plans with my ring are dwarfed by this.