
My flight lands safely at the airport in New York.

I'm the first to get out. On the way to the counter, Aziel comes and stands next to me. “I'm leaving on another flight for a few days of vacation as planned. I'll be back in two weeks. Try to miss me a little bit, babe.” He suddenly takes me in his arms and presses a kiss on my mouth. I don't like half work, so I pull his head back to me and we deepen the kiss until we let go, panting.

"Come with me, Loraine."

I smile softly. “Be back in time, Aziel. No extension is possible. We have to finish this deal. Two weeks and no more.” Theatrically he sighs, grabs his bag and leisurely walks to another check-in counter.

When I enter the exit hall, I see the company driver running towards me. He takes my bags and stows them in the car. “Miss Windrug, did you have a good trip? Bad weather was forecast so I feared your flight would be delayed. Was there turbulence?”.