Aziel is Better

The days pass without me seeing Dordrich.

We regularly message each other via WhatsApp, he keeps me informed of all his activities. I miss him terribly but understand that his responsibilities now lie with his wife and children. As I sat at Danner's bedside, he had all the patience for me too.

Speaking of Danner.

After days of ignoring each other, I spoke to him on the phone yesterday. And of course, he tried again to persuade me to come to his penthouse, which again failed. He threw me out once, I don't have any business there anymore. I hate it when people treat me like a beggar like I'm waiting for their favors. In addition, I am increasingly getting the idea that the amnesia is indeed played out. It's time for Danner to understand that I'm not interested in an intimate relationship with him anymore. I'll not discuss a second breakup with him again, this time he will have to understand that it's over between us.