Committed or Not


I drove Aziel to the airport and we are now saying goodbye.

After today I am on my own, Aziel remains in my life but at a distance. He now removes his luggage from the trunk and puts it upright so that he can roll in with it.

“Aziel, don't forget me when you get back,” I urge him as I cling to his body. I've been worried for days about what it'll be like when he's gone. He wraps his arms around me in a tight embrace. “Not a chance. I'll be back before you know it. You know I can never live without you for long.” We give each other one last deep kiss, he grabs his bags and walks away without looking back to the check-in counter.

These two weeks with Aziel were wonderful.

He distracted me from the confrontation with Elena, made sure that I didn't have time to look on social media to see what has been published from that moment. I know nothing good will be reported about me, Elena will take care of that.