Bankrupt and Broken

Andre went with Lorrich to pick up Archer and Kaylah from the airport and take them to Loraine's house. Loraine now has her own house built on the island, with an ocean view and walking distance beach access. Archer sold the previous house she rented from him and with that money he bought shares in Windrug&So.

When Loraine hears the car arrive and the doors slam shut, she rushes to the garage to greet her friends. They’ll stay with her because her house has enough space to host at least ten people. “Kaylah, Archer”, she exclaims happily and gives each of them a hug. After the lavish greeting, they all walk into the house to the sitting room. All that time, Lorrich circles Kaylah urgently asking her to hold Kasher. But Kaylah doubts he can support the baby's weight as Kasher is fat and heavy. When they finally arrive in the sitting room, she puts the baby on a mat so that Lorrich can now take care of his little brother, as he calls Kasher.