Engagement Ring

New York hasn't changed at all.

Everyone is still in a rush, the crowds on the sidewalks seem to never stop. Compared to the quiet Barbados, this is a stressful city.

I scour the people looking for familiar faces. No, let me be honest, I'm looking for Aziel. I hope to meet him in these weeks I'm here. How I long to see him, but at the same time I fear to meet him. Is he now married with children? Does he still live in this town? Does he miss me? Will he come and meet me even for our good old days and take his wife with him?

I once burned myself on a married man and I’m not into that anymore. If Aziel belongs to another woman, I'm willing to give him up for good. But while he's still single, I'm determined to conquer him, make him fall in love with me again. That will be my second mission.

But first I have important matters to settle.