Love and Peace

When I enter the office, I am welcomed with a shower of confetti.

Surprised, I look around and see all the workers standing. Archer, Damian, and Kaylah are also there smiling broadly. “Welcome back, Miss Windrug!” they happily scream in unison. My eyes skim the happy faces, all familiar. Looks like Archer didn't change much in this case. Aaahh, with this salary, I too wouldn’t bother finding another workplace.

One by one they step forward to hug me. Well, this is certainly a warm welcome after five years of absence. Now, of course, I'm expected to give a short speech. I also see a few bottles of wine on a table.

After the warm greeting, I motion for Archer, Kaylah, and Damian to come and stand next to me. “Well, I'm also happy to be back after such a long time and to see all the familiar faces again. Thank you all for keeping the company going in my absence so I could pay your fat salary every month,” I say meaningfully. Smirk goes across the room, some hands cover the mouth.