I Have a Son

“Babe, you look so depressed. What's up?".

My mood is at all time low after my encounter with Elena. I'm really fed up with the Fellogans, but I have to take my son's welfare into account. It is now time for me to make his existence known, he has a right to it. In addition, I am not ashamed of him, Lorrich is my most valuable treasure.

“Elena again. Just as I texted you she came in. Threatened me like the first time”, I sigh irritated. Aziel frowns and is silent for a moment. “Perhaps time to announce our engagement? That will calm their mind. If everyone knows we are a couple, they will ease up maybe," he suggests. That's what I actually want, but I have an unfinished business that I still have to handle. And I'm telling you, I'm terrified of how this ends. Aziel's reaction is the most decisive in this whole matter, I need him by my side.