Hang On

When they arrive at the head nurse's address, they park in a driveway of an abandoned house. They observe the surroundings, it is a lower- middle- income neighborhood. A little below her social standing for a head nurse. The woman's house is currently being renovated and there is a brand-new car in the driveway. And then they see three children running out of the yard towards a commission shop. It’s clear that they just got some money to buy sweets.

They remain in their vehicle for a while, until one of the workmen leaves the place on a scooter.

They decide to follow the man. And luckily after a few corners, the man stops at a small shop. Aziel gets out to meet the man inside the store. “Sir, can I have a word with you, please? I really have no bad intentions," he assures the man. The worker stops in his tracks, takes in Aziel's appearance and nods. “What did you want to ask me?”.