You Are My Man

Andre turns the car to the gate.

Two heavily armed men approach him with an umbrella in their hands. It’s been raining for several hours, the wind is blowing hard and the sky is starting to cloud over. Andre lowers the car window when the men are at the car. "Good afternoon. What is your destination and do you have an invitation?” asks one with a kindness that doesn't reach his eyes.

“My name is Andre Lacoste and I am visiting Mr. Kenjal Griffith. I'm invited," he says. The other man walks past the car and when he returns, he nods to his colleague. “You know where to be? It's the last house along the canal," he explains. Andre nods and pulls the car up. Slowly he drives up the avenue, looking out at the ultimate luxury in front of him. Never before has he seen such perfect architecture on a few acres.