First Fight

The trip to a different place with Debon made me feel a lot better. I was able to forget about Victoria already. She's just someone I don't have to be dealing with. But since she's Greg's ex and friend, I don't have a choice.

It's already past dawn when we arrived back at the cathedral. Devon felt Greg's presence right away and said goodbye to me. At least he's doing what he promised. He will not be on the way when my husband is around.

When I entered the cathedral, I saw Greg waiting for me above the stairwell. I ignored him and just went up to the steps. Victoria is nowhere to be seen. Maybe she got so tired of their party and now resting in her room.

"Where have you been?" Greg asked with a very intimidating voice when I reached the top of the stairwell.

"I just roam around the woods to find something to do since I'm alone." I lied in a sarcastic tone.