The Contract

Bill Sky looked at the girl beside him in the passenger seat. She sleeps without any care of the world. She had a long nose and a small face with too many freckles on it. She has a fair white complexion, but he couldn’t see any curves because of the baggy clothes she wore. She didn’t even change her clothes before going to the bar. Marks of tears were traced on her prickly cheeks. One could easily say that this girl went through hard times.

Bill felt a sharp pinched on his heart all of a sudden.

His way of thinking was always in advance. He would never marry a girl that would just use this opportunity to make his life miserable. Bill never wanted to be tied up by a girl. Those girls he knew will definitely do it to him, but not this girl.

Her strong refusal towards him, simply proved that she’s the right person he needed to do the job.

“I regretted kissing you” Bill recalled her words before she fainted and for some reason, he felt a deep pang of sadness in his heart.