Get Rid Of Secretary

In the hospital, Margaret woke up shouting in anger. She tried to open her heavy eyes and the white wall greeted her eyes. She frowned when she felt pain in her lower body. That was the only time she recalled the scene before she was rushed to the hospital. Clenching her fists tight, Margaret also regained her intense anger towards Arabella. Enduring the pain she felt, she staggered to get up. In her mind, Arabella should vanish in her world so Jayson would only love her. Even before, she knew Jayson loved Arabella, though they were already together. Without wasting any time, she tried to take out the injections on her wrist just when the door opened.

“Margaret! What are you doing?” Olive Windle, her mother, stopped her. She went out to get the help of her doctor when Margaret was screaming in her sleep.

“Don’t stop me, mom, I still have to kill someone!” Margaret didn’t have any plan to just lay in there and let Arabella and Jayson together.